As a freelancer on Contra, making a lasting impression on potential clients and increasing your chances of securing jobs is crucial. An effective way to do this is by showcasing your skills and tools prominently.
Boosting Your Discoverability with Skills and Tools
Enhanced Visibility: By detailing your skills and tools, you raise your visibility in relevant search results on our Discover page, where clients look for their next freelancer.
Better Job Matching: Our platform uses the skills and tools you list to match you with jobs that best suit your abilities.
Showcasing Your Skills and Tools: A Guide
Profile Skills: List your top 3 skills on your Contra profile.
Profile Tools: Emphasize the tools you excel in and use regularly in your services. This gives clients a clear idea of what you can offer.
Project and Service Details: When adding projects and services to your portfolio, mention the skills and tools you used. This shows concrete examples of your expertise.
Regular Updates: Keep your skills and tools current on your profile. As you learn new technologies or develop expertise in different areas, update your profile to reflect these changes.